  • OCED partnered with the California Public Utilities Commission to bring Internet adoption and digital literacy to rural communities across the 8-county region.
  • Projects in progress provided the opportunity for more than 1,280 San Joaquin Valley residents to complete a nine-week Digital Literacy class.
  • Received funding to facilitate new internet subscriptions via the Fresno State Call Center. *over 500 new adoptions were established.
Public Infrastructure
  • Submitted Letters of Commitment and Support to government agencies and senate hearings to continue to address the need for additional infrastructure and adoption funding.
  • List Broadband infrastructure plans promoted, adopted: Worked with CETF and CPUC in identifying priority areas in the San Joaquin Valley. All priority areas were identified and mapped accordingly.
  • Received funding for one Agtech pilot site in Kern County.
  • Facilitated 4 quarterly trainings for farmers/producers to utilize broadband for drones, machines, apps, real-time water censors and inputs management, energy demand, and soil conditions.

OCED staff provided stakeholders with notices of funding opportunities.

Regional Consortia Networking

OCED staff collaborated, on an as needed basis, with regional consortia to promote access, adoption and agricultural technologies.


OCED participated with regional consortia in Caltrans, Air Quality Control Board, Agtech, and FirstNet statewide meetings regarding deployment in the San Joaquin Valley and other regions in the state.