
San Joaquin Valley Regional Policy Council

Michael Sigala
SJV Regional Policy Council and RPA Directors Committee Coordinator
Sigala Inc.

559 266 6222

2525 Alluvial Ave, Suite 281
Clovis CA, 93611


The San Joaquin Valley is one of the fastest growing regions in the state with its population expected to double by 2050. To support the anticipated growth of the region, the transportation system must be improved to attract capital investment, support economic development and embrace new technology to minimize impact on the Valley’s poor air quality. Additionally, by integrating land use and transportation planning, the region will reduce vehicle miles traveled and thus reap the benefits of improved performance measures projected by the Blueprint planning process. Ultimately, the Valley must balance growth with the needs of its residents and economy, while preserving agricultural land and natural resources.

2016 Year in Review

The Sustainable Communities Work Group focuses on promoting regional coordination through the San Joaquin Valley Regional Blueprint, and building a transportation system that improves mobility and increases travel choice for San Joaquin Valley residents. The work group priorities include improving goods movement within the region, as well as, supporting the implementation of the Regional Blueprint. See Full 2016 Review


The Sustainable Communities Work Group focuses on promoting regional coordination through the San Joaquin Valley Regional Blueprint, and building a transportation system that improves mobility and increases travel choice for San Joaquin Valley residents. The work group priorities include improving goods movement within the region, as well as, supporting the implementation of the Regional Blueprint.

Action Plan

Near-Term Priorities

  • Improve goods movement capacity within the region while increasing mobility and traffic safety, decreasing congestion, improving air quality, and promoting economic development
  • Foster regional consensus to support development and implementation of the Regional Blueprint
  • Determine requisite regional infrastructure and funding strategies to support implementation of the Regional Blueprint and Goods Movement Action Plan

See Full Action Plan