
Office of Community and Economic Development
Fresno State

550 E Shaw Avenue Suite 230
Fresno CA 93710

559 278 0721

Priority 5

The Regional Industry Clusters Initiative, findings from an analysis of the San Joaquin Valley’s industry clusters as directed by Office of Community and Economic Development on behalf of the Partnership, is a directive to support improved regional economic performance, sustainability, and shared opportunity for Valley residents, businesses and communities.

2016 Report
Central Valley AgPlus

The Central Valley AgPlus Food and Beverage Manufacturing Consortium (AgPlus) was awarded an Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP) designation through the U.S. Economic Development Administration in July 2015. AgPlus was one of 24 regions recognized nationally. On Nov 17, 2015, AgPlus held its kickoff stakeholder meeting in Sacramento. The meeting focused on the IMCP program, strategies moving forward, and goals for each Pillar Wok Group. AgPlus seeks to create a collaborative approach in providing resources to food and beverage manufacturers and partnerships to allow continued growth.

Manufacturing Summit

The 2016 Manufacturing Summit was held on March 3, 2016, at the Fresno Convention and Entertainment Center. Jay Williams, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development, served as keynote speaker. The Summit, which drew more than 650 individuals, including 150 students, focused on innovation and technology trends within the industry. RICI is seeking to grow the manufacturing industry sector in the San Joaquin Valley; the Summit provided participants networking opportunities for this purpose.

See Full 2016 Report

Central Valley AgPLUS

Work with partners to meet the goal and objectives of the six Pillars to create a collaborative approach for providing resources for food and beverage manufacturers.

Manufacturing Summit

Conduct an annual summit to bring together manufacturers and service providers throughout the Valley highlighting best practices and showcasing new products and services to assist manufacturers with their needs in building a more robust manufacturing industry in the Central Valley.

Energy Cluster

Coordinate cross-cluster opportunities with other RICI clusters; develop workforce strategy; accelerate R&D/technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and access to capital for cluster partners. Provide scholarship opportunities for students from rural communities pursuing careers in clean energy.

Health and Wellness Cluster

Work collaboratively with the Cluster’s lead agencies, coordinators, and partners, for the purpose of restoring the delivery of and equitable access to preventative and curative health care in the San Joaquin Valley.

Agriculture Cluster

Strengthen and grow the food processing/agriculture industry in the Fresno region through workforce development and marketing local products. Build a strong network between local growers and producers with school districts to build up the “farm to fork” project in rural communities.

Water Cluster

Include all stakeholders to determine appropriate long-term use and allocation of water in the Central Valley. Bring attention to and focus on extended education in water technology, laboratory and field research, and policy development for water and water conservation.